Rockstar Punched Watermelon

So I happened upon this wonderful little gem of a beverage.  240mg caffeine of watermelon accented (grape flavored) fruit punch, available with or without sugar.

I found this in a wonderful little place called Walmart. But honestly I think this is one of the best things that has happened to the Punched lineup, now if only they’d bring more of their varieties to my local area.

Here’s a link to order it off Amazon, it tastes good. Could be better, but let’s be honest, it’d probably be even worse for you if it was. For now, enjoy and help pass the word on good energy sources that are available and tasty.

Rockstar Punched Watermelon as listed on Amazon
Rockstar Pure Zero Watermelon Kiwi as listed on Amazon

I hope you find them as enjoyable as I have found them to be. Please leave feedback and I’ll pass it along.

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